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Restoration of Market Metronio, Rome, Italy

Technological Design for the Architectural Requalification

Teacher: Virginia Bernardini

Market metronio is a building that continues existing and functioning till this day. Altough, it isn´t at all in it´s best
condition. Our plan is to get advantage of the structure and facade (shape) to create a new space. This new building will
be a multi-purpose building. It will integrate offices and commerce on the upper floors, but in the groundfloor we will have
an open space with green areas that would make the place more alive. This new type of mixed-use buildings are getting
more attention in the last few years. For example in Peru, were us the students are from, this way of joining business life
and recreational, gives more positive outcomes. The people tend to enjoy more a place if they have the advantage of having a green area close to them and natural lighting. In this case we also mantained the glass ceiling that acts as the roof of the central piazza and protects it from the rain. The only thing is that it will be in good cleaning conditions, of course. About the parking space, we decided to let it be the same, cause we noticed that the big circular ramp was a noticeable element of the architecture of the building



first flooor.jpg

Actual Market Metronio

ELEVACIONES (200).pdf - Adobe Acrobat Pr


ELEVACION SUR (200).pdf - Adobe Acrobat

Because of the architectural importance of the building, we didnt want to change the shape too much, more importantly of the facade. The most drastic change is the liberation of the point of view from the groundfloor. We took out almost half of the travertine facade so the groundfloor would be open as a plaza. This generates the circulation of more people into the building and more permeability with the outdoors. The lines below show the flow of people that can pass through the building, from the outside streets.

Photos of the market

market metronio pic.jpg
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